After last Friday's tragic shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut, I believe that the U.S. is a nation of killers.
Take a look at these statistics. In 2010, 12,996 murders were committed in the U.S. That's around 1.5 murders per hour.
In 2011, 33 people were executed.
There are enough guns in the U.S. to average 1 gun per person (includes military and law enforcement).
If you believe life begins at conception, and I do, or if you agree with scientific evidence that a baby's heart beats at 18 days, add in 1.2 million abortions (2008) data. That's the equivalent of 137 abortions per hour.
So everyday, in the U.S., 3,324 people are killed - sobering isn't it?
Did you know that 1.5 million married women between the ages of 15 - 44 are infertile? How many abortions could be eliminated?
This is not an anti-abortion rant or a gun control rant. I personally am against abortion, but I believe that each person is responsible for making this decision. And I believe in the right to bear arms, having guns in my own home.
This is just data, but it makes me question the ramifications for our nation. How can a country founded on christian principles hold life so cheaply?
Just my thoughts and opinions - I believe in free speech too.