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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Budgets & Debts

I was thinking about my last post and maybe I didn't provide enough detail.  I don't know, because, for me, it is as basic as determining what is coming in and where it's going. 

There was a time in my life when I was drowning in debt and I wanted to give up.  My husband left me and I went from a two income family to a single mom with two children working two jobs and no child support.  I had a mortgage, a small business loan, medical bills for my son and, around $44,000 in credit card debt.  My husband left it all for me to handle; that was in 2001.  I don't remember five years of my life because I was so tired from working all the time.  I know my kids suffered, but I did it for them - to keep a roof over their heads.  I paid it all off, a lot of it by refinancing my home and using the equity to pay off my other debt.  When the real estate market crashed, I almost lost my home, but finally, through a loan modification, I got a mortgage payment I could afford, and thanks to being hit by a garbage truck, I got a settlement that enabled me to pay off all my debts except for my mortgage.  So here I am today, without a job, but for right now, still in pretty good financial shape.

What's the moral of my story?  It's easy, so easy, to get into debt and to get in over your head before you realize it.  But with hard work and with a realistic budget, you can get out of debt.  Don't give up - you can do this.  It takes work and commitment.

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