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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's a New Year - now what?

The holidays are finally over and reality has set in.  We're seven days into a new year and already I'm lost in a sea of indecision over what I should focus on for this upcoming year.  I have all these great ideas running through my head, but in true Wendy fashion, that's where they remain.  And when I do start something, I usually end up getting off task, so I have little projects sitting all over my house waiting to be finished.  I can't use my desk or my craft table because they're piled high with stuff. 

Today, I'm going to make a list - a list of everything that I can think of that I want to make, do, learn, read, eat - whatever comes to mind.  Then, I'm going to break that list down into categories and get busy.

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