I've seen this recipe for homemade laundry soap all over the internet. Last week, my sister, who does all the laundry, came to me and said, "we've only got one bottle of laundry detergent left." So I decided that now is the perfect time to make my own laundry soap and see if it really works. It only has three ingredients, and it's easy to make (one of my favorite words - easy!)
1/2 bar of Fels-Naptha soap
1 cup of borax
1 cup of washing soda
all of these ingredients can be found at Walmart.
Grate the soap into a container. I used a regular 4-sided metal grater (smallest grate). Add the borax and the washing soda and mix well. I store the laundry soap in a small covered plastic container. Use 1 - 2 tablespoons per load of laundry.
I brought home some dirty kitchen towels from the church and washed them using this laundry soap. It worked. The towels came out clean and smelled fresh. This stuff works.